Friday, September 10, 2010

Journal #1

New York City isn't a place for quiet,outspoken people. It's a place for dream seekers to follow what they've been fighting for. I love speaking in front of people. I think the only reason I enjoy it, is for the fact that I will eventually have to. My dream is to work for a popular teen magazine, such as Seventeen, Teen Vogue... or hey.. maybe even Vogue. I know I will have to get my idea's across to my co-workers by communicating. My goals are set high. Although they are far fetched, I couldn't see myself doing anything else! I'm a freshman here at GMU and I'm on the lacrosse team. While lacrosse does take up a hugeeee part of my life, I plan on double majoring in both Art and Visual Technology, and Communications (Woooo). Crazy, I know, you wouldn't be the first to mention that, but I'm driven and focused. What I would love to get out of this class, is to become more comfortable talking in front of large groups. Not to mention, get a start on my Comm major. If you have any advice I would LOVE to hear it. I'm truely excited for this class and what is has to offer to my future! Thanks, and see you in class.

-Sam Scruggs
Comm 100-015