Thursday, December 2, 2010

Journal #5

Comm 100 has taught me to always consider the audience to which I am speaking. Types of things that grab attention, and how to present. Everything I could've asked for was covered in the course. One this I wish we went over were the types of communication. I am planning on double majoring in it, it would have been awesome to hear your input or your favorite type! Furthermore, I wouldn't change anything about the course. If I had to pick one thing it would be the amount of online quizzes, although they are always fun. My favorite part of the class was gaining information on public speaking and being entertained while learning. These aspects will greatly help me with my future, and I am extremely grateful!- Finally, yes yes yes! I loved having you as a professor and if there are another other classes that you teach, dealing with Comm I would definitely consider taking them.

Thanks for an awesome semester!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Journal #4

Have you ever took into consideration the term 'Crack-Berry'? This word is used to describe the ever so popular BlackBerry Smart Phone. Everyday, everywhere, I always have my BlackBerry Storm in hand. At first I wasn't so sure about getting such a high-tech phone. I had always been use to regular 'flip' phones and I'm not technologically savvy. This phone is so easy to use and convenient whenever I need to find out information fast. With the touch screen it makes it clear and easy to text and use any applications available. In order to select anything on the screen you must push down hard, letting it know that is what you want to select. This works to help from the common 'Butt Dialing' incidents. It let's you surf the web right from your chair while getting lunch, on in the passenger seats on long car rides. Being connected anytime, anywhere is a huge advantage to purchasing the BlackBerry over regular cell phones. It is equipped with a camera - This takes pictures with the highest resolution compared to any other phone on the market. These are some of the reasons on why I choose to invest into a BlackBerry Storm. I hope you consider purchasing this amazing phone as well! 

Ooooh, Aaaah, Pretty.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Journal #3

There are many speeches in history that are known as 'famous' but in reality, do you remeber them all? I had a hard time figuring out some familiar speeches I had heard. -These three speeches always stuck in my mind, due to the speaker drawing in the audience, with a well known and entertaining topic :

Martin Luther King Jr.
"I Have A Dream" This speech is most common of all speeches. With it's purpose of Civil Rights, and drive behind the idea, any listener would have a hard time not understanding it's content. MLK Jr. is known to be a master mine at speeches, as he presented to many churches during the Civil Rights Movement. Most of his techniques are used today.

Adolf Hitler
"Speech to the Reichstag" This was an unfortgettable speech done by a German leader. His idea was to eliminte all Jew's in whatever way possible. His speech was spoken in German, making the tone sounds harsh and unforgiving.

Alan- from The Hangover
"Wolf Pack Speech" When I think of speeches, I think of wise words that people speak. These words are most likely remembered, make sense, are funny, and you can often quote them. These aspects are true during the Wolf Pack Speech in the movie, The Hangover. Alan describes his phenominal story of once being in a one man wolf pack and expanding it into a four man wolf pack. This speech is inspiring and comical all at once.

"So tonight, we make a toast!" (:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Journal #2

I love public speaking. Therefore the 4 initial short speeches were fun to give, and also helped me to improve on my techniques. At first being unsure of an audience and what you are speaking about may be intimidating, but with practice comes perfection. The speeches helped me to become comfortable and relax while finally giving my final graded speech! For my speech I chose the topic of 'Friends' and turned it into a definition speech. Although I have been flustered all week with lacrosse, exams, and papers, giving this speech felt like a breeze because of all my preparation. I can't wait to see what is yet to come throughout the rest of Comm 100. Hope you had a great long weekend!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Journal #1

New York City isn't a place for quiet,outspoken people. It's a place for dream seekers to follow what they've been fighting for. I love speaking in front of people. I think the only reason I enjoy it, is for the fact that I will eventually have to. My dream is to work for a popular teen magazine, such as Seventeen, Teen Vogue... or hey.. maybe even Vogue. I know I will have to get my idea's across to my co-workers by communicating. My goals are set high. Although they are far fetched, I couldn't see myself doing anything else! I'm a freshman here at GMU and I'm on the lacrosse team. While lacrosse does take up a hugeeee part of my life, I plan on double majoring in both Art and Visual Technology, and Communications (Woooo). Crazy, I know, you wouldn't be the first to mention that, but I'm driven and focused. What I would love to get out of this class, is to become more comfortable talking in front of large groups. Not to mention, get a start on my Comm major. If you have any advice I would LOVE to hear it. I'm truely excited for this class and what is has to offer to my future! Thanks, and see you in class.

-Sam Scruggs
Comm 100-015